Thursday, August 26, 2010
maternity series.
my currents
Currents found via The Crimson Owl
listening: lily allen, It's Not Me, It's You album
eating: had a pb & J that my hubby made for lunch today, with a banana
drinking: water, courtesy of my pal Danielle. I forgot the shop was all out and she saved me Thank you!!
wearing: third day in a row wearing a black dress, not the same black dress, but still. 36 weeks prego is not an easy time to get dressed, especially when its 100 degrees outside, for the 50th day in a row! I can not wait for cool weather and my regular wardrobe!
feeling: tired, and insanely excited about the very near future. Big changes ahead in so many aspects of my life. All sunny! Also, feeling gentle kicks and bumps from my sweet baby girl. I am going to miss these private moments!
weather: hot, hot and hotter with thunder showers mixed in. Not the type of rain that actually cools the air, more so rain that makes your hair frizz up and makes you sticky. Ugh, Florida in the summer, why did I sign myself up for this??
wanting: my family to be closer. or me to be closer to them. Also some beautiful boots for fall, along with cool autumn nights, pumpkin spice lattes and craft fairs.
needing: for my sweet baby to arrive. I am soooo looking forward to sweet baby time!
thinking: about my brick & mortar shop and the end of a wonderful journey, with the beginning of an entirely new chapter.
eating: had a pb & J that my hubby made for lunch today, with a banana
drinking: water, courtesy of my pal Danielle. I forgot the shop was all out and she saved me Thank you!!
wearing: third day in a row wearing a black dress, not the same black dress, but still. 36 weeks prego is not an easy time to get dressed, especially when its 100 degrees outside, for the 50th day in a row! I can not wait for cool weather and my regular wardrobe!
feeling: tired, and insanely excited about the very near future. Big changes ahead in so many aspects of my life. All sunny! Also, feeling gentle kicks and bumps from my sweet baby girl. I am going to miss these private moments!
weather: hot, hot and hotter with thunder showers mixed in. Not the type of rain that actually cools the air, more so rain that makes your hair frizz up and makes you sticky. Ugh, Florida in the summer, why did I sign myself up for this??
wanting: my family to be closer. or me to be closer to them. Also some beautiful boots for fall, along with cool autumn nights, pumpkin spice lattes and craft fairs.
needing: for my sweet baby to arrive. I am soooo looking forward to sweet baby time!
thinking: about my brick & mortar shop and the end of a wonderful journey, with the beginning of an entirely new chapter.
enjoying: this quiet, nesting time before everything as I know it changes. I am looking forward to the future, and thankful for every adventure and moment that has gotten me to where I am today.
wondering: how quickly the next few weeks are going to go by, if I will complete everything I need to before Baby G arrives, and how everything will work itself out.
What are your currents?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Operation Beautiful

Have you seen this? Operation Beautiful
What a positive message this website is sending. In the bathroom of my shop, Sew Vicious Boutique, I wrote "You are Beautiful" in chalk, pointing to the mirror last December. The message is still there. Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves. Everyone deserves compliments! It is truly amazing what a few positive words can do to a person. They can make a bad day better, they can instantly lift one's mood and spirit. There needs to be more positivity in this world.
I am going to make sure this lesson is something my daughter inherits. This is like a smile on paper. Smiles are infectious and so are positive words!
I have already thrown a pad of never used post its into my purse to spread some happy thoughts and smiles on my journeys around my town.
Monday, August 16, 2010
maternity series.
Week 34

Pretty baby outfits all in a row...

Little love birds singing sweet tunes...

A lovely little book collection...

Sweet little animal friends...

A pretty entrance...

Now I know I will be 35 weeks tomorrow, but I tend to post the weekly photo and letter at the end of each week. As this pregnancy has progressed it has gotten hard to post midweek... That said I can not believe I now only have 5 weeks left! Give or take a few (wishful thinking would be a few early!)

OH Baby!! Our baby supply list is almost crossed off completely! Right now I am searching for a swing. I am looking for something comfortable, lots of padding!, something soothing, and something that plays a few different tunes. Any suggestions? I wish there were more modern/hip baby selections out there. I have had to search hard for the few things I have purchased for my nursery, resorting to making lots of the decor elements in there.
My husband and I have teamed up to really put together a room that is perfectly perfect for our little bambino. I hope she likes it as much as we do. Because I am nice, here are a few sneak peaks into our nursery!! I will be posting more about the nursery, with details and price points, soon!
Hope you enjoy!
Pretty baby outfits all in a row...

Little love birds singing sweet tunes...

A lovely little book collection...

Sweet little animal friends...

A pretty entrance...

Saturday, August 14, 2010
I stumbled on these Keds tonight while reading the August issue of Real Simple.

How darling!

They seem to be sold out, boo! They remind me of my childhood. And they would be so cute to wear with summer dresses, and then with skinny jeans in the fall. That is if I wasn't 9 months prego with swollen feet ;)
Clicking on the photo will bring you to the image source!
maternity series.
Here is a glimpse of what I have been up to the last nine months!
September 22. My life has been completely consumed by our
upcoming arrival. For the first time in my life I am making
baby items. The baby to do list is getting shorter and shorter!
I can not wait to share photos of the nursery, and other
projects that Jay & I have devoted to the bebe!
Here are two of my favorite baby sites/blogs:
Do you have any favorites? I love looking for new baby
crafts & also reading about new mommy/baby adventures!
This is an entire new chapter for my husband and I and
we could not be more excited about the future.
Starting Fresh
It's been awhile for me to post something, but believe it or not this blog is something that I think of often. I want to be a good blogger! It's difficult because I am not very confident in posting! I simply do not know what I am doing. Alas, from this day forward I will do better. And what a way to start my fresh attempt at the blog world than being prompted by Elsie's 4 simple goals!

Here are my 4 Simple Goals that I am going to work on for the rest of the year:
1. Blog More! I am going to start slowly, giving myself a minimum of three posts per week. This could be become difficult after the birth of my daughter, but I will do my best to get into a routine and start with at least 3 posts!! Hey, the more often I do it, the better I will get!
2. Take photographs of everything I create. I make things almost everyday, what better way to document and share my creations than taking photos?? I used to be very good at this. I will do better. And hey, accomplishing this goal will make goal #1 even easier!
3. Document my sweet baby's life. She's not even here yet and I have weeks of letters and photos for her to read when she is older. When she does arrive into this world I want to continue my documentation in fun and creative ways. I have a few ideas up my sleeve already; the hard part is going to make sure I make the time to do this sweet things. We both will appreciate the effort later on in life.
4. Embrace my inner crafter/seamstress. Yes, I may do it full time at the moment with my brick & mortar shop, but there is always room for improvement. I want to increase my etsy sales big time. I want to sell my craft at local art walks, and state wide craft fairs. I need to make these goals a priority! I need to focus on my individual products, make them the best they can be and promote myself like crazy! I really want to be a stay at home momma and this outlet would help me be able to do that!
It is always a wonderful thing to have a list of goals for yourself. A nice way to keep things moving! I love the satisfaction I get when I cross off items on any one of my many lists, and trust me I have many!
Signing off for now. But I will be back soon!
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